Pokémon Chinese TCG: Sun & Moon [CSM2DC] 交相辉映 GX 起始卡组 (Start Deck)
AVAILABILITY: In stock (25 items)
VENDOR: The Pokémon Company
You Save: $10.00 SGD (40%)
大家期待已久的【TAG TEAM】也会在第二弹商品里和训练家见面!
This starter deck contains a 320 cards pool, randomly seal 60 cards into a deck, which is designed for new players so they can use the deck to play directly. Each deck contains one special booster pack, player may get some special high-rare cards from these booster packs. These GX cards are exclusive can get from the pre-built deck only.
Each box contains:
- 60 Pokémon cards
- Damage counters
- 2 special condition counters
- 1 GX marker
- 1 instruction manual (Chinese)
- 1 Promo pack